expansion stagesPhonebook APPTo support the companys own employees, external services, wholesale buyersWrite calls, mail and / or SMS and navigation for customers based on the current customer data(And contacts) your cattle payroll program (mais WWS system)Geocoding support for company employeesThe app works offline and onlineLivestock marketing-APPIn addition to the phone book function support the consulting activitiesby additional information to farmers / customers(Slaughter pig with short report, mask and lossesSingle animal list, slaughter cattle and Nutzviehumsätze)Acquisition of transportation requests (with transfer to the dispatcher in theCompany) and provision of information -Schlachtauswertungen (Pig Cattle,as described above) and documentation of breeding andNutzviehumsätze for farmers / customers of the company incl. Recording ofTransport requests with transmission to dispatchers in the company.Even veterinarians can from them information about your clientsget (supervised farmers).The app works offline and onlineAdd-on itineraryIn addition to phone book APP and livestock marketing-APPThe requests included in the APP are directly in thetransmit scheduling module mais Tourenplaner of VEVAS,to customers are the scheduled requests and orders from themais tour on your smartphone / tablet to customersappropriateAdd-on CRMIn addition, company employees and agents (external services,Consultant, wholesale buyers, veterinarians) checklists capture (for example, forComplaints, for logging the operation visit,Counseling records, invoices and many other, freely selectable themes)and on existing checklists (PDF file) access to customers,So check.Customers (farmers) see the captured documents to you (checklistsetc.) and can access it, but it in a for youparticular form (without internal contents of the company)